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About Us

Ozcare is a leading not-for-profit organisation of professional and caring individuals delivering innovative and superior health and human services to our community.

Each day, nearly 3,800 staff provide aged care and community care, incorporating health and support services to over 15,000 Queenslanders. We provide a diverse range of services from over 44 locations around the state.

We are proud to be a quality certified organisation and we have met the requirements of the International Standards Organisation (ISO 9001:2008) in all of our services. This demonstrates our commitment to provide you with the highest standard of care.

For more information, support and access to services, visit our website or call 1800 Ozcare (1800 692 273) to speak with a helpful staff member.

Ozcare Immunisation Services

Ozcare is an approved immunisation provider with endorsed nurse immunisers who conduct immunisation programs for both the public and private sectors. 

Ozcare has been providing immunisation services for the Queensland community for over 20 years. Services can be provided in a choice of environments including the workplace, schools, home and residential aged care facilities.


Why it's so important to protect against the flu:

  • The flu is highly contagious and one sneeze can spread the flu up to a metre
  • It is more serious than a cold and can take weeks to recover
  • Companies that don't vaccinate face increased absences and decreased productivity
  • Flu strains change every year so annual immunisation is necessary
  • Fit and healthy people are at risk too

Contact Us

For further information contact or call 1800 Ozcare (1800 692 273) to speak with a helpful staff member.

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